Climate Friendly Recipes:
Entree: (Red Beet Soup)
5 yellow onions
10 garlic cloves
about 300g parsnip
1/2 dL sugar
2.5kg beetroots
Fresh ginger
5 teaspoon thyme
3 L water
5 carrots
5 potatoes
1 dL fresh parsley
1dL basil
2 dL oat cream
Chop onions and beetroots. Fry onion, garlic, ginger and sugar in oil. Add root vegetables, water and thyme (the water should just cover the root vegetables) Cook until the vegetables are soft – approximately one hour
Mix soup and ad the spices. Add the oat cream depending on the colour of the soup you want. If you add it now the colour will be more pink. If you want a redder colour, add it in a swirl on top of the soup upon serving.
Main Course: Bean Patties, Skåne Potatoes with Coleslaw
Bean Patties
1.5 L cooked beans
3 carrots
3 parsnips
6 yellow onions
About 5 tablespoon oil
3 tablespoons parsley
3 teaspoons paprika powder
1 ½ teaspoons pepper
5 tablespoons mustard
2.5 dL plain flour
oil for frying
Blend beans with a stick blender or in a food processor. Chop onions and fry with paprika and pepper. Mix together all ingredients and bean mixture with wet hands. Fry on both sides
Skåne Potatoes:
5 – 6 kg potatoes
5 -6 yellow onions
1.5 L oat cream
rosemary, salt and white pepper
Peel and chop potatoes into cubes, Cut onions & fry potatoes in oil and then add cream. Cook for about 15 minutes until soft. Add spices
White Cabbage
Cut/grate coleslaw and add salt. Leave in refrigerator for about 1 hr until it gets juicy. Add carrot and finely chopped dill. Add mayonnaise (see recipe below) and blend thoroughly
1 teaspoon crushed linseed
½ teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoon warm water
2 dL extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon mustard
2 – 3 teaspoons apple vinegar
Approximately 50 mL water
Grind the linseed as much as you can using a pestle and mortar. Mix it together with warm water, salt, mustard and vinegar. Let it sit for 10 minutes at room temperature. Add oil a little at a time whilst you mix with a spoon. Add vinegar and a little water. Serve with coleslaw (recipe above)
Dessert: Spiced Apple Hot Cake (well something cake like anyway!)
1.5 dL oil
1.5 dL semolina
Approximately 10 apples
About 4 dL of sugar
4.5 dL oat milk
1.5 L water
6 teaspoons cardamom powder
3 grams saffron (remove if you want to be super climate friendly!)
1 ½ teaspoon nutmeg
Fry semolina in oil. Move it around the fry pan until it becomes a cooked colour and starts to smell good. Chop apples in small pieces and stew with sugar and spices. Cook up with water and oat milk and then lower heat. Cook until semolina is soft. Should be served cold with cardamom powder on top. Vanilla cream would go well with this!
Recipes from Hållbart Universitet/Lund Students for Sustainability - http://www.hallbartuni.tk/